Welcome to Moose Nuggets
Moose Nuggets is a mini-series about dog balls by Katie Herzog, a former staff writer at the Seattle alt-weekly The Stranger and the co-host of the podcast Blocked and Reported. It will explore the past, present, and future of spaying and neutering as well as the ethical implications of cutting off, or not cutting off, man’s best friend’s nuts.
Over the course of the next couple of months, I’ll talk to veterinarians, animal behaviorists, animal activists, dog lovers, and maybe a pet psychic or two, all in the service of answering one simple question: Should I neuter this good boy or what? This entire series will be free and available for all, but if you do feel like throwing some money my way, it will go to a good cause (dog treats). Subscribe now for updates… and please, whatever you do, don’t tell Moose.